Group of people dancing at a party
2 min read

Over 2000$ Saved with Stepsy

With Stepsy we managed to set up a reliable check-in system for our members at virtually no cost, saving us thousands of dollars compared to other custom solutions out there. Not to mention all the hours saved from now on when using the platform to track our members and subscriptions.

By Daniel Tanase
On 2024-06-01

Their story

Dance Avenue started their journey in 2023 when they decided to branch out and create a unique space for dancers of all levels, after years of experience teaching at another establishment. Their shared passion for dance, combined with their individual teaching styles, laid the foundation for this unique dance studio which prioritizes both technical skill and the joy of being part of a strong dancing community.

The Pain of Tracking Members

Not having enough money in the beginning and being used to the outdated classic pen-and-paper methods used at the previous establishment, Dance Avenue initially opted for a manual check-in process. However, this quickly proved to be a major pain point. As their membership grew, tracking attendance, managing class registrations, and keeping records of member information became increasingly time-consuming and error-prone.

"We were spending hours each week just trying to keep up with the administrative tasks," says the founders Vlad and Ramona Suta. "It was taking away from the time we could be spending with our students or developing new classes." The pen-and-paper method also made it difficult to gather accurate data on class attendance and member preferences, hindering their ability to make informed decisions about their business.

Outsourcing for a Better Solution

When they finally decided they needed a better solution, the first question they asked themselves was – "Do we build our own solution or do we use a third-party service?" Building their own system would require a significant investment of time and resources that they simply didn't have. On the other hand, many existing membership management platforms were either too expensive or lacked the specific features they needed.

That's when they discovered Stepsy. "Stepsy seemed to be the perfect fit for us," recalls the founders. "It had all the features we were looking for, at a price we could afford. Plus, it was incredibly easy to set up and use."

Stepsy Saves Time, Money, and More

After using Stepsy for a few months, Dance Avenue has seen a dramatic improvement in their operations. The platform's intuitive interface and robust features have streamlined their member management process, saving them countless hours each week.

"Stepsy has been a game-changer for us," says the founders. "We've been able to automate so many of our administrative tasks, freeing up our time to focus on what we do best – teaching dance." The platform has also helped them improve communication with their members, increase class attendance, and even boost their revenue through the integrated shop feature.

In this articleTheir storyThe Pain of Tracking MembersOutsourcing for a Better SolutionStepsy Saves Time, Money, and More

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