check-in-urile clubului
activitățile din calendar
abonamentele membrilor

It's time to say goodbye to all the messy spreadsheets and paperwork, outdated software and hardware. Stepsy offers an all-in-one platform that simplifies the way your members onboard and grow alongside you and your business.

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Hero dancing coupleHero with shapesHero with shapes

Concentrează-te pe ceea ce contează

Aplicația noastră gestionează fără probleme abonamentele, de la integrare și reînnoiri până la urmărire și înregistrări. Acest lucru automatizează lumea, eliberându-vă să vă concentrați pe construirea de conexiuni mai profunde și să promovați o comunitate înfloritoare pentru membrii dvs. Investește-ți energia în dezvoltarea afacerii tale și în atragerea clienților, în timp ce noi ne ocupăm de restul.

Începeți acum
young person doing yoga

Everything you need in one platform

Our membership management software is made to take on all the administration functions so that you can focus on delivering high-quality wellness experiences for your club members.

Organize your classes and events

Publicly set up your calendar in minutes so that your members are always up to date with your class schedule and latest events.

Stepsy Calendar

Start a subscription right away

Using the mobile app it's so easy to onboard new members and let them choose a membership.

Mobile Subscriptions

Check-In for every class

With no additional software you can check-in on any device and track your members in real time.

Stepsy Check-In

Manage your members

Always stay in sync with your members' new subscriptions while tracking their progress and interests.

Members Management
Stepsy Advantage

Go beyond traditional membership software

online payments icon

Increase Revenue

Enable online payments to optimize your earnings and increase your revenue.

Check payments
online booking icon

Fill your classes

With online bookings you are one step ahead and always maintain your classes full.

Check Bookings
online shop icon

Sell your brand

Unlock the shop to start expanding your brand and create new revenue streams.

Check Shop
Customer success story

We are helping businesses to start their journey and grow each day.

customer success story

2000$+ Saved from the start

With Stepsy we managed to set up a reliable check-in system for our members at virtually no cost, saving us thousands of dollars compared to other custom solutions out there. Not to mention all the hours saved from now on when using the platform to track our members and subscriptions.

Read customer story

Choose Stepsy for an industry-leading experience

global icon

Global clubs supported.

members icon

Members onboarded.

membership icon

Memberships sold.

Free to join

Get started with Stepsy in three easy steps.

Try our membership management software for free and experience the most simplified way to manage your administration tasks.


Create an account for free

Create an account for free and choose your unique 6 letters business slug.


Choose your favorite plan

Choose one of the three available plans which mostly suits your needs.


Start your journey with Stepsy

From onboarding members to daily check-ins, our dedicated team will help you get set up seamlessly.